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ESO SkyCalc Command Line Interface (CLI) |
This is a command-line interface to ESO SkyCalc.
SkyCalc is an online tool to predict the atmospheric emission and transmission spectra as well as the magnitudes of the sky for the given observation conditions.
It is based on the Cerro Paranal Advanced Sky Model, which was developed in particular to be used in the ESO Exposure Time Calculators, by a team of astronomers at the Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics at the University of Innsbruck, as part of an Austrian in-kind contribution to ESO.
The command-line interface allows the user to perform requests directly to SkyCalc which is hosted on the ESO web server instead of using the usual web form. This is useful if one wants to calculate the sky for many different observation conditions, or to integrate ESO SkyCalc in another astronomical tool for instance.
The SkyCalc CLI works in Python 2.7 or Python 3. Install the SkyCalc CLI on your computer using the command:
This will also install skycalc_cli's dependency, i.e. the requests package for making HTTP calls. Note that the
If you use the
The skycalc_cli installation can be updated to the latest version with the command:
The command line is
Several options are available:
The user can use the almanac (option
The verbose option displays which parameters are eventually used for SkyCalc and their values.
$ ls output.fits
This file contains the input parameters for SkyCalc. A comprehensive list is provided in section SkyCalc Input parameters.
The input file format can be JSON or a simple text file in which the user specifies a pair key/value on each individual line as follows:
# comment key1 : value1 key2 : value2Example files: skycalc_defaults.json skycalc_defaults.txt
This file contains the input parameters for the SkyCalc Almanac. A comprehensive list is provided in section SkyCalc Almanac Input parameters.
The input file format can be either JSON or simple text file, exactly as it is for the skycalc_cli input parameter file.
Example files: almanac_example.json almanac_example.txtDescription | Parameter | Unit | Type / Allowed values | Default value |
Airmass | airmass | float / range [1.0, 3.0] | 1.0 | |
Season and period of night | pwv_mode | string / "pwv" or "season" | "pwv" | |
season | int / range [0, 6] (0=all year, 1=dec/jan, 2=feb/mar...) | 0 | ||
time | int / range [0, 3] (0=all night, 1,2,3 = third of night) | 0 | ||
Precipitable Water Vapor | pwv | mm | float / [0.05,0.01,0.25,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.5,3.5,5.0,7.5,10.0,20.0,30.0] | 3.5 |
Monthly Averaged Solar Flux | msolflux | sfu= |
float / range [0.0, +∞[ (Monthly averaged solar radio flux density F10.7cm) | 130.0 |
Scattered Moon Light Note the following moon coordinate constraints: where ρ=moon/target separation, z=90°−alt, zmoon=90°−moon_alt; z and alt refer to the target |
incl_moon | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of scattered moonlight) | "Y" | |
moon_sun_sep | degrees | float range [0.0, 360.0] (Separation in deg of Sun and Moon as seen from Earth) | 90.0 | |
moon_target_sep | degrees | float range [0.0, 180.0] (Moon-Target Separation in deg) | 45.0 | |
moon_alt | degrees | float range [-90.0, 90.0] (Moon Altitude over Horizon in deg) | 45.0 | |
moon_earth_dist | float range [0.91, 1.08] (Moon-Earth Distance, mean=1) | 1.0 | ||
Star Light | incl_starlight | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of scattered starlight) | "Y" | |
Zodiacal light | incl_zodiacal | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of zodiacal light) | "Y" | |
ecl_lon | degrees | float / range [-180.0, 180.0] (Heliocentric ecliptic longitude) | 135.0 | |
ecl_lat | degrees | float / range [-90.0, 90.0] (Ecliptic latitude) | 90.0 | |
Molecular Emission of Lower Atmosphere | incl_loweratm | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of lower atmosphere) | "Y" | |
Molecular Emission of Upper Atmosphere | incl_upperatm | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of upper atmosphere) | "Y" | |
Airglow Continuum | incl_airglow | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of upper airglow) | "Y" | |
Instrumental Thermal Emission | incl_therm | string / ["Y", "N"] (Flag for inclusion of instrumental thermal radiation) | "N" | |
therm_t1 | K | float / range [0.0, +∞[ | 0.0 | |
therm_e1 | float / range [0.0, 1.0] (Emmisivity) | 0.0 | ||
therm_t2 | K | float / range [0.0, +∞[ | 0.0 | |
therm_e2 | float / range [0.0, 1.0] (Emmisivity) | 0.0 | ||
therm_t3 | K | float / range [0.0, +∞[ | 0.0 | |
therm_e3 | float / range [0.0, 1.0] (Emmisivity) | 0.0 | ||
Wavelength Grid | vacair | string / ["vac", "air"] (Calculation in vacuum or air) | "vac" | |
wmin | nm | float / range [300.0, 30000.0] < wmax (Minimum wavelength in nm) | 300.0 | |
wmax | nm | float / range [300.0, 30000.0] > wmin (Maximum wavelength in nm) | 2000.0 | |
wgrid_mode | string / ['fixed_spectral_resolution','fixed_wavelength_step'] | "fixed_wavelength_step" | ||
wdelta | nm | float / range [0, 30000.0] (Wavelength sampling dlambda) | 0.1 | |
wres | float / range [0, 1.0e6] (lambda / dlambda) | 20000.0 | ||
Line Spread Function | lsf_type | string / ["none", "Gaussian", "Boxcar"] | "none" | |
lsf_gauss_fwhm | wavelength bins | float / range [0.0, +∞[ | 5.0 | |
lsf_boxcar_fwhm | wavelength bins | float / range [0.0, +∞[ | 5.0 | |
Observatory | observatory | string / ["paranal", "lasilla", "3060m"] | "paranal" | |
Compute atmosphere temperature and bolometric radiance | temp_flag | integer / [0, 1] (flag for inclusion in the output) | 1 |
Description | Parameter | Unit | Type / Allowed values |
Equatorial Coordinates | ra | degrees | float / [0., 360.] (Right Ascension) |
dec | degrees | float / [-90.0, 90.0] (Declination) | |
Observatory | observatory | string / ["paranal", "lasilla", "3060m"] | |
Observation Date | date | mjd | string (timestamp, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | float (Modified Julian Day) |
The output from skycalc_cli is a binary FITS file with one extension which contains data columns of type DOUBLE. The input parameters and some additional information are listed as comments in the FITS header.
If the input option temp_flag is enabled, the computed atmosphere temperature and bolometric radiance values will be included in the FITS header.
LAM | Wavelength in nm (not μm, see version note) |
FLUX | Radiance in photons/s/m2/μm/arcsec2 |
TRANS | Fractional transmission |
FLUX_SML | Scattered Moonlight |
FLUX_SSL | Scattered Starlight |
FLUX_ZL | Zodiacal Light |
FLUX_TME | Molecular Emission of Lower Atmosphere |
FLUX_AEL | Emission Lines of Upper Atmosphere (Airglow) |
FLUX_ARC | Airglow/Residual Continuum |
FLUX_TIE | Telescope/Instrument Thermal Emission |
TRANS_MA | Molecular Absorption |
TRANS_O3 | Ozone UV/optical absorption |
TRANS_RS | Rayleigh Scattering |
TRANS_MS | Mie Scattering |
For more information refer to section 6 in the document Cerro Paranal Advanced Sky Model.
Send comments and questions via https://support.eso.org/ | ![]() |